Friday, February 20, 2009

C.A.B. Tastes Caribbean Food

Yesterday the CAB (Cat Advisory Board...which you know if you read my book!) met to taste Jenny's new Caribbean dishes.

Personally I thought the jerk chicken was still a little too spicy, but Rupert gobbled it right up. Then again, Rupert gobbles up any food he can get his paws on. He really shouldn't be on the Cat Advisory Board -- after all, we're supposed to be gourmet cats ... but then again, Rupert is so lovable I could never kick him off.

Monty and Alice liked the jerk chicken, so it was added to the menu.

Jenny finally got it right with the wahoo. She served it in a delicate fish broth and everybody loved it.

As I told you before, the barbecue pork was dee-lish and the others agreed, so we now have three new dishes for Mabel's Table. Pets Pets Pets will be thrilled.

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