Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cat Store Bulletin Board

Tallulah The Cat Store is is so much fun. I love to drop in and watch people buy Tallulah stuff. I especially like it when people bring in their cats and their cats' pictures. It's so cute to watch the little cat faces when they see their little cat faces on the bulletin board.

Nigel had a great idea. Monday is kind of slow at the store, so he brought his camera and took pictures of the cats who came in, and we put them up right away. Everybody loved it. Now Nigel is coming in every Monday to take cat pictures. We may need to get another bulletin board.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tallulah the Cat Has a Facebook Page

I'm making so many new friends, I decided I should have a special Facebook Page, so last night when Mabel was on Facebook I meowed my little head off. She looked at me, and finally the light bulb went on. I love Mabel, but she's not very good at the computer thing so she called Nigel and made him come right over to Facebook me! I want to have a million, zillion friends...and they'll all buy stuff from my Tallulah The Cat Store. KA-CHING!