Tallulah the Cat Store opened at 10 o'clock and by noon there were cats and humans lined up around the block. They bought so many things I was afraid we would run out, but Pets! Pets! Pets! was totally ready. They had blogged and twittered and advertised and they had a basement full of products to sell.
Jenny gave out hundreds of tastes of Mabel's Table Gourmet Food for Cats and Kittens, Tallulah's Treats and her very own Jenny's Fish Tea. Some of the cats loved the food so much they licked Jenny's hand to thank her. She's already talking about new foods to add.
Becky and Zan and Charlie came after school and they brought lots of friends. They especially loved the bulletin board and promised to come by soon with pictures of their pets. The dog people asked if they could bring pictures, too, and Mabel said the more the merrier.
I have to go to sleep right now because we have to be up extra early to watch The Morning Wake Up Show. They came to the opening with the hosts and they're doing a whole segment on my store in the morning. I just love being famous.