All of my friends were so happy with Jenny's fish cookies that they couldn't stop eating them, so Mabel called Diana at Pets! Pets! Pets! and told her all about it. Diana was very excited and she asked us to come to her office to look at the designs for the packaging.
I love going to the Pets! Pets! Pets! office. They make such a big fuss over me. First they gave us the sales reports for Mabel's Table. Sales get bigger every month, and the #1 seller is Calves Liver Pate with Bacon Nuggets, of course.
There were three different packages to choose from and they all said Tallulah's Treats from Mabel's Table:
* A cellophane bag tied with a pink ribbon -- my color
* A square box
* A round canister
I chose the canister because when I knocked it over, the cookies made noises. Now every cat who has a smart enough human to buy Tallulah's Treats can knock over the canister and push it around to let the human know it's time for a fish cookie...or two.